Walk-In Freezer

Creating Walk-Ins Your Way with the Thermo-Kool 3D Configurator

Hotels Resorts Walk-In (3)

Every commercial business is designed differently, sometimes making it hard to use standardized equipment that will adapt to a specific space. However, the idea of creating a customized walk-in freezer or cooler may seem like a dream to some operators. Now, with the new Thermo-Kool 3D Walk-In Configurator, it’s easy for business owners to design their own walk-in online that fits their specific needs.

When looking to purchase a walk-in, operators need to ensure that the unit is of high quality, that the door is airtight, and it has durable panel construction. Now, by allowing users to customize their walk-in based on specific aspects like square footage, Thermo-Kool ensures that all businesses, from florists to bars to restaurants and schools, can have a walk-in that withstands the test of time.

The Need for Customized Refrigeration

Many types of businesses utilize walk-ins in their day-to-day operations. Food banks with a walk-in are able to accept perishable food items and help provide healthier options to their clients. In the world of school foodservice, walk-ins help maximize labor and reduce food waste. Florists need a well-regulated cooler to help keep favorites like roses and tulips from wilting prematurely. And bars need to have a cool place to store kegs of beer. All of these businesses are of varying sizes and specifications. Trying to use a standard walk-in for each one wouldn’t work. Being able to create a cooler specifically for a certain configuration can not only save space, it can also save money and electricity in the long run.

Behind the Scenes: How Thermo-Kool's 3D Walk-In  Configurator Works

The user-friendly interface of Thermo-Kool’s 3D Walk-in Configurator allows anyone to design and customize the commercial refrigeration solution they need. There’s no need to be a designer or an architect - using sliders to adjust specs, including the height and length of the units, makes it simple to experiment with. 

Configurator Turn

Adding additional storage and need more space? Want to add additional functions you hadn’t considered? Walk-In need a column or corner cut-out? Thermo-Kool's 3D Configurator makes it all possible without spending extra time communicating dimensions and features when those options are now available for you to create and view in real time. Once you're design is complete, a CAD file, Revit link, drawing, and/or quote can easily be acquired through the submit button.

Not sure how your creation will look in the space it's built for? The augmented reality (AR) feature allows you to view your walk-in directly into the space its built for. Just click the AR button, scan the QR code, and tap your phone's screen where you would like to place your walk-in. Never has customization been this visible, this quick.

This revolutionary online tool is a game changer in the world of commercial refrigeration. Take your planning off paper and bring it to life with the 3D Walk-in Configurator and see how your cooler/freezer space can be enhanced with Thermo-Kool.

Give the new 3D Walk-in Configurator a try and see how easy it is to customize for your business:

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